On My Birthday
A certain little girl I married 30 years ago, who will go nameless, gifted me Blu-ray BAMBI & a talking, thumping Thumper doll. She so knows me.
Friend Mark
Still my favorite Disney flick, followed by the one about the wooden kid and the bug with a top hat.
Jiminy, I don't recall the bug's name.
On Working in a Movie Theatre Snack Bar
I'm still smarting [because] a customer back in 1965 was verbally displeased the 12-ounce JUMBO cola cup filled with ice was "far too much to drink!" How dare we? And for all of 15 cents!!
How things have changed. The SMALL soda at the theatre the other night came with a pool boy.
Friend Frank Thompson
I bought a large diet Coke at a drive-through the other day and it was so gargantuan I had to make Claire sit in the back seat so I'd have a place to set it. I have to admit it was a thirst-quencher, though.
Friend Stan
As Jay Leno said in his act, "The popcorn comes in this huge Rubbermaid tub. It's not food at this point; it's feed!"
On the World Today
Friend Mark
Thinking of protesting Modern Times - going back to using a rotary phone and writing letters with a fountain pen and paper.
Get out those pin-ups of Clara Barton.
On Facebook "Pokes"
I have just *poked* my radio partner. I don't know if that qualifies as swag or payola? Nevertheless, he's going to long-distance dedicate Kyu Sakamoto's "Sukiyaki" to me and my love.
I must have been the 12th poker.
Friend / Radio Partner Bob Middleton
I will play the Singing Nun for you. Can't find "Sukiyaki," but thanks for the poke.
Kyu Sakamoto! Ha. I must go to YouTube and give it a spin.
I got poked at the mall the other day... I'm going back today.
On the Wedding Party
I'm in a wedding this weekend. It's quite an honor, although I'm not certain of my duties. Something something The Flower Geezer.
Brother Bob
You wearing a tux with your black sneakers?
That is so gauche. Black suit with my black sneakers.
Yeah, I guess that is more like it. None of us learned how to tie a bow tie anyway.
Being a semi-formal wedding, I'm wearing the spinning DayGlo bow tie. It's a clip-on. And it plays "Taps."
Festive ... and for lovers.
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