My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter, Where Everything Must Be Said in 140 Characters or Less
I've been awake 3 hours & just realized I didn't eat breakfast. I love that. It's now like a bonus meal!
Now grazing on a bowl of Cracklin' Oat Bran, Raisin Bran & Fruity Pebbles (Bamm Bammless). I have a short attention spoon.
Listening to David Rose's THE STRIPPER, peeling banana.
Another exciting Sunday night of DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES & a heat-seeking, lap-curling, desperate housecat. There's always a theme around here.
Phone Mail Hell: I'm finally off the phone with the Fraud Unit of my credit card company. "Your fraud is important to us.."
News Item: "Squirrels love squirrel-flavored chips." -- Well, we're either talking cannibals or Texas Holdem.
America's growing angry mob has invited me to a Tea Party. I'm to bring my fat-free pumpkin-spice ring!
I'm amused that one of the most popular tags at wefollow.com is #yourtag.
A new study says old age begins at 27. Heck, I'm starting my third round. Obviously, it didn't take. I'll check back at 81.
@michaelianblack sez "Satan, thy name is pizza." -- Hmm, Beelzebub and mushrooms. I could die with that. And some Crazy Bread.
@paulfeig sez "I went w/the pancakes this morning. Is that my huge ass in my pants or am I just happy to C you?" Your hashbrowns R leaking.
News Item: "Twitter Now Growing at a Staggering 1,382 Percent" -- Sadly, me, too. Tootsie Rolls, anyone?
@DaveMalby sez: "I know...put a 'More' button on your wife..." -- It ... just ... might ... work! That is GENIUS!
Watching THE NEW ADVENTURES OF OLD CHRISTINE. They're birthin' babies. I never had to go through that. ... Corks.
I've been caring for a stray cat for nearly a month. I still don't know if it's a boy or a girl. ... I'm shy. Tee hee.

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