A Bob Walker of a Hutchinson, Kansas writes:
"I put nose drops in my ear. Now I can hear my cologne."
That happened to me, except I put ear drops in my nostril. I smelled mites and a pair of old muffs.
The sounds of silence gave whiffs oscillating from narrow streets of cobblestone to the cold and damp.
An Astroray of an Atlanta, Georgia writes:
"I've got one word for all of you, shoplift.
"Thank you and goodnight!"
Thank you for the advice. There is something to be said for-- HEY, WHERE'S MY WALLET?
Darn e-thefts. Enjoy the photo of Bob Cummings.
A Frank of a Burbank writes on the passing of author Studs Terkel:
"I'm sad that I've now missed my chance to talk with him about 'Studs' Place,' his TV show from the early 50s. As far as I know, besides 'Kukla, Fran and Ollie,' it was the only completely improvised show on TV."
I never saw "Studs' Place." Our crummy TV only got "Gelding's Place." It was pretty scary. I remember the talking horse, Mr. Edna. Mom said he was nuts.
Photo credit: LetterJames.com