My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter, Where Everything Must Be Said in 140 Characters or Less
Headline: "New hospital gowns will cover patients' bottoms." Oh, great. I guess I'll have to start vacationing elsewhere...
My fame grows. I'm known as Pancake Batter's Mike Durrett and Crumpled Lipstick-Blotted Kleenex Moistened With Mommy Spittle's Mike Durrett.
Confabbing with my Vermont Teddy Bear counselor ... career guidance... and maybe some new tummy fuzzy....
@mental_floss sez: "Oscar-winning F. Murray Abraham played the original Fig Leaf in the Fruit of the Loom TV" ads. ... Best Supported Actor?
This is not good. I need to let out my parachute pants. ... (I'll put that on my resolutions for 1990.) ...
I haven't seen this much snow since some of those record guys during my radio career.
Headline: "Massive Star Blows Hourglass Nebula" -- Darn that Kirstie Alley!
Watching HIGH SOCIETY. Grace Kelly is wooing Frank Sinatra & Bing Crosby. What do they have that I don't?... Oh. Yeah. Darn... Oily toupees.
Headline: "Tiger Woods apologizes for ‘irresponsible and selfish behavior,’" then zips it.
Hour 5: Feeble snow flurries continue. Accumulation: no appreciable feeble.

Twitter Birds by SpoonGraphics