More Confessions
and Observations
and Observations
9:12 a.m. - First ice cream of the day. I have to start early to fit it all in. =)
I'm downing Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream. My doctor told me to eat more greens.
Keep your digits crossed. My agent meets with Daniel Day Lewis' agent to discuss my script, "There Will Be Clots."
Headline: "Robbie Knievel Jumps 21 Hummers" -- You know, some days it's just too easy to be snarky. I'm going for a nice walk instead...
Attention Peeping Toms: Tonite, I will be sleeping in an upright position. My normal "ZZZZZ's" will sound like "NNNNN's." Do not be alarmed.
Good evening, my fans, you. I'm building my brand today. Look closely. I'm going to scratch this.... And now: the yawn... *sniff* ... *bow*
I've learned there's something called CHOO-CHOO SOUL. What is that? SOUL TRAIN for tots? Cool. Do the li'l ones dance à la Fly Larvae Girls? ...
Family, friends gasped when I forked out big bucks for the giant flat screen, but who's nuts now? Tomorrow: HDnet Movies in 1080i: JOE DIRT!
Re: @barbcrews: "no truer lyrics - 'Oklahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain'" - How 'bout "Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?"
The only change I can believe in is what I find under sofa cushions.