My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter:
I hold in my hand tickets to SHREK: THE MUSICAL. I know you are green with envy, whilst I am green with ogre & the o. is with my green.
I'm told today is Lumpy Rug Day. Why would anyone tell me this?.. Guess I should dig out the rake. I think it's in the chunky sofa cushions.
RIP Dana Wynter (INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, 1956). I can't sleep.
Well, that was interesting. Today, I saw THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST & SCRAT'S CONTINENTAL CRACK-UP. I'm just glad the reels weren't mixed up.
Ooo! I've got an appointment to get my hair cut! It will be swell! There will be 'poo! I cannot wait! I've been collecting the whole series!
Underwent grueling haircut 11 hrs. ago. Very nice, but I'm not giving up this chair without my lolly! Grape, please. Hope it's a Saf-T-Pop.
Dodged & waited out tornadoes to get home tonight. It meant sacrificing, waiting in QuikTrips, eating bear claws. I'll get over it. Mmmm...
Letter from an attorney ... Gack! The cobwebs in my office are to come down to make way for a new Walmart.
Retrieved our cats from their weekend in the animal clinic's Kitty Condo. Still not speaking to me. Morty pawed over his pettifogger's card.

Twitter Birds by SpoonGraphics
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