On the Golden Age of Television
Item: "'Dog the Bounty Hunter' Celebrates 200th Episode."
How? By everyone getting their tattoos tattooed?
Friend Claire
No, that would be silly; they are getting their piercings pierced.
I stand corrected while having my feet bound.
On Aretha Franklin Choosing Halle Berry to Play Her in a Movie
Friend Frank Thompson
Halle Berry? Darn! I was praying that Paul Giamatti would get the role.
He's that good! And it's a wig part!
On Superhero Worship
I've just joined The *EL KABONG* Fan Club. I can't wait for my cape, mask, and wide collection of Oops Wrong Costumes.
Friend Claire
I think that you will look cunning in your costumes.
Wait 'til I get my gittar!
No wonder the musician gets the girls.
On the Question
Friend Donna
Do you think Mike Durrett has the potential to be the next Saddam Hussein?
I got the beard, the derelict gaze, and the weapons of mass destruction (darn litter boxes).
On Keeping Warm
Friend Bill
Feet in the microwave to thaw out? Not recommended.
I like to feet in the soup pot, so everyone else can enjoy it, too!

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