Actual Messages I Wrote, Forgot, Then Found While Cleaning Out My Email Folders
I thought he got a sex change and lives with one of the Darryls...
I don't want to rub it in, but it smells like chicken houses here this morning. Mmmmmmm....
Oh oh. I am doomed. Do not tell people about my drooling.
May you be whacked with a two-ply paddle for extra hardness -- and that springtime fresh feeling.
Don would have to be in his '80s. I suspect he's had a Gooey lift.
Someone may be hinky for Robert Ryan.
Did you watch "The Fleet's In" afterwards? I've been trying to see it for decades. "Sailor Beware" is a remake, which, of course, gave us Don Wilson as Mr. Chubby.
Yes. And no dressing up like Holly Golightly.
Worst Atlanta flood in 100 years, they're saying. Or is that media hype to get people to tune in to hear "Coming up, large rotund woman burps at Food Giant while her brat gargles Sugar Smacks."
...Is it too late to become Long John Silver's eye socket fob?
Just wonderin'.