Off the Wall

Saving Facebook: My Confessions: 

On Girl Scout Cookies:
I don't want to name names, but one of my extreme shortage of wives has taken it upon herself to hide the cookies. It's beginning to feel like "The Shining" time....

No cookies since yesterday. Things are getting bleak. My urologist says I'm down a sleeve of Thin Mints.

On Having Cabin Fever:
Tomorrow's my quiet time for ramming my head through the wall boards and, maybe, baking mincemeat pies!

First, I gotta build me a mince blind and shoot me some mince.

On Creepy "Alice in Wonderland":
Friend Peter:
They used computers to make Johnny Depp's eyes 15% bigger. That is why he looks a little off.

Interesting, Pete, thanks. Makes me 15% less likely to see it.

On Wardrobe Needs:
Apparently, there is no such thing as a man's Hoodie-Footie Snuggle Suit. ... I can't settle for a homemade one. I do have my pride, not to mention being followed by the fashion Al-Qaeda.


I've managed to not have children without the Hoodie-Footie Snuggle Suit. It is my signature talent or bad sense of direction. I dunno.

Further Furthermore:
Deep freeze coming. And me without a Hoodie-Footie Snuggle Suit for the Manly Man. (I want one with a camouflage trap door.)
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