My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter, Where Everything Must Be Said in 140 Characters or Less
Snowbound, Day 3: So far, Cabin Fever has eluded me, but I am beginning to suffer symptoms of Cabin Heartbreak of Psoriasis.
Snowbound, Day 4: I have Cabin Fever. Telltale sign: Non-stop CABIN BOY on a loop, me never tiring of "fancy lads" and I wanna buy a monkey.
Snowbound, Day 5: Designing more signature fragrances, such as Britney Spears Malarkey & Britney Spears Time to Rehire the Personal Trainer.
Snowbound, Day 6: Finished digging raging moat around house, renamed it SPECTRE Island. Put on Blofeld bald cap and painted the cat white.
Snowbound, Day 7: My nightmare is over! The roads melted and I finally managed to get to the store. Bought some ice.
You can't make these people up who say, "You can't make this stuff up."
I cannot afford a sidekick, so I've added "and Leslie Uggams" to my signature.
I rewatched MONSTERS VS. ALIENS when I was alert & I did like it a lot. MONSTERS VS. ALIENS vs. caffeine is the secret weapon, Earth people.
I have found my voice as a writer, although my music texts are ghosted by Marni Nixon.
Attention Fans! I'll be trying out a new pen name: Sharpie Waterman Durrett.

Twitter Birds by SpoonGraphics