To accomplish the bit, an unwieldy yellow prop *car*, a large wooden box powered by a scooter, must roll out from the wing and hit a specific mark at a specific moment without fail. Sounds simple, but it didn't work well during rehearsals. To rectify the problem, a long-time driver, Pat the Prop Man, was called back into chauffeur duty.
His accuracy was impressive. So much so, I'd stop my routine in the projection room to watch for Pat's entrance during each performance at The Fabulous Fox in Atlanta.
At the end of the engagement when we said our good-byes, I paid him the ultimate compliment, "You give good cab."
He was caught off guard, but the praise made his face beam. I can spread Christmas cheer, too.
Pat has *driven* the taxi for many years. Even though it's just a minute during a show, he's spent so much time inside the vehicle, he customized the car to make it feel homey.
Notice the bobbleheads on the dash. I especially enjoyed the Santa Claus doing the hula!