My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter, Where Everything Must Be Said in 140 Characters or Less
I much prefer 1962 Elvis in GIRLS! GIRLS! GIRLS! to 1976 Elvis in GIRTH! GIRTH! GIRTH!
News Headline: "Gettin' Ready for Sundance with Brittany Snow" -- Oh, great, who's gonna play Butch? Lindsay Lohan?
I'm watching THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL (1951) on Blu-ray. Then, off to the theatre to see what my friend calls KEANU BARADA NIKTO, DUDE!
News Item: "Man dresses up girlfriend like grandmother to withdraw her money." Please tell me they're not buying the Bates Motel. Please!
Haven't seen BENJAMIN BUTTON, yet. ... Wait. Yes, I have. Jonathan Winters played him on MORK & MINDY.
Speaking of MORK & MINDY, I was stung by pal Randy Stewart's assessment, "Pam Dawber is much cuter than Mud Dawber."
Item: "Couple weds at Taco Bell." With this chalupa, I now pronounce you man & wife & Double Decker Taco. You may extra hot sauce the bride.
This new year, we must join hands, hearts & minds to solve life's greatest mystery: Does Popeye the Sailor Man really live in a garbage can?
[Message to:] @treesandshrubs I'm thinking about responding to your 3-weeks-old tweet to me on procrastination. I'll let you know, maybe. Maybe not.
News Item: "Nut Bandits Steal $100,000 in Cashews." That ain't exactly peanuts, but, thankfully, no one was 'saulted.

Twitter Birds by SpoonGraphics