"My Night With Elvis: Kitten With a Dip"
"My Night With Elvis: Clamfake?"
"My Night With Elvis: Swallow That Dream"
"My Night With Elvis: Paradise, Drive-In Style"
Epilogue: "My Night With Elvis Redux"
Wherever I go, fans probably want to ask me to favor them with my signature performance piece, a little something I call "The Ann-Margret Sex Kitten Dance." It, of course, is derived from a sensational musical number within "Viva Las Vegas."
In bygone appearances, technically referred to as "glories," I partnered the choreography alongside my wife. These days, Donna vivas Sudoku.
Portions of the original fanciness have been excerpted in this video montage with Mr. Presley.
Squeezing our van between many dozens of audience vehicles, we were lucky to park front row center, although in the picture, Elvis is Lucky.
Happy movie buffs shared pre-show refreshments and banter. I could hear their giddy chatter and high expectations on this magical occasion, as we all awaited darkness and I stretched my legs.
I knew this crowd. I could see them eying me. I blushed a bit, hung my head, shook my arms in mock wacky defeat, and announced, "Alright, I'll do it!"
I ran out to the big screen, took my position underneath, and, indeed, I favored the kids with my patented Ann-Margret Sex Kitten Dance. I gave it my frenetic and my frisky, and soon I was whirlin', wigglin', and dazzlin'.
I understand the Webmaster located a snapshot and will post it here. The photo was taken immediately following my spot. I collapsed by the van, missed my ovations and encores, and snoozed through the flick.