Life in the Cast Lanes

Photo: Klingons vs. Furries bowlingDrat.

I missed the Klingons vs. Furries bowling duel.

It's tough being Mikey.

Thanks to William Colquitt for sending me the announcement from Global Nerdy.

Two things:

1. Donna would not have let us attend the event, complaining about bowling alley air clogged with Furries and Klingon dander.

Nevertheless, I find size #20 Klingon and Furries rental shoe fumes to be the best weight loss program.

It's not the feet. It's the humidity.

2. There's a Global Nerdy?

Actually, I prefer fiercer competitive bowling than a wimpy klatch o' Klingons.

I'm waiting for The Ultimate 10-Pin Punch-out Smackdown Cutthroats:

The Banana SplitsThe Golden Girls

Banana Splits vs. Golden Girls
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