100 Things About Me #118

Candy Camera
I shared a photo of me in my bunny suit in the two-part sequence, "Bunny Cam" and "Bunny Cam Pioneer." Here are several additional shots from that pictorial session.

I wasn't a "Playboy" Bunny. I was more of a Play Bunny Boy.

There's quite a difference. Basically, no cleavage and no drooling old guy in silk pj's.

I was three years old, modeling my very first store-bought Halloween costume. I can't imagine we shoplifted this thing.

I wouldn't be surprised, however, if we shop-unlifted it the next morning.

I am pleased to observe I was bright enough to remove the hanger.

Those ears are alert, aren't they? I'm listening for the rustling of free NECCO Wafers and defenseless Pixy Stix.

I look like what Tonto sees, chewing peyote.

The previous October 31st was my first trick-or-treat candy tour -- on foot, anyway. I confessed about that experience in a 2002 interrogation, "Halloween Shockers: Ask Humor Boy," on About.com.

Do you dress up for Halloween?

Sometimes. I go as everybody's favorite movie character: Man #3.

If so, describe your best Halloween costume.

My best was probably my first. I was tiny, two-and-a-half, and Mom cut eyeholes into a pillowcase.

I went as a pillowcase with eyeholes.

I can still fit into it, too, but I haven't worn it since our wedding.

My wife, by the way, thinks these rabbit photographs are "precious" with an exclamation point. She gets so tickled whenever they pop up during our album perusals, "Cops," or "A Current Affair."

She's had many big laughs at my expense over the crouching shown here. I was just a little kid. I crouched. (Self taught.)

She thought I was cramping or something, but, no, I'm a bunny. I'm hopping. That's how I hop. Crouch and hop. BOING, up I go!

I was doing this years before NASA.

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