Meet the actors (or, perhaps, I should say "actresses") I worked with during the "Radio City Christmas Spectacular" engagement in Atlanta.

These are great gals. I visited each day in their dressing corral behind the Fox Theatre.
Yes, I know, ladies, you won't date me either.

The girls are from Kansas. That is correct: Kansas camels, named Missy and Laverne, not Laverne and Shirley, as I originally had been informed.
They'd eye me as I walked up and head bump each other and snort with glee. I believe that's ruminant quadruped for "Squiggy."
The camels tour and appear in the Nativity scene, but due to The Rockettes' strong bargaining position, my furry friends don't do any fancy footwork in the show. They walk on stage, chew the scenery, and pay their respects to the baby Jesus impersonator. Then, they are outta there, for a roll in the hay.