More Phontos: Morty

To test my new cell phone's camera, I booked a pictorial session with catcake Morty.

Here, Morty surveys the wild from our porch overlooking the creek. Nefarious, marauding squirrels in the neighborhood drive him nuts.

Only Morty's head can be seen protruding betwixt the rails. He's shy -- and feels somewhat vulnerable about appearing in the nude.

I assured him he was not selling out for some cheap, high profile spread. Not at all, nobody reads this.

Morty insisted on a moment to collect his thoughts, resting under the weight of the world on a nearby table. I was forbidden to shoot below his waist during the break, therefore, I complied with this head shot. I have no idea where a cat's waist begins anyway.

"Work with me, kitty, work with me," I said, ready to click dozens of exposures.

But Morty was adamant to have his way. He showed me his oversized fist, blinged with claws.

He meant business. I agreed to his demand of no more warm weather shedding of his coat until after the camera disappeared.

The young lion -- his contract prohibits the use of the term "the crabby tabby" -- granted me a final phonto, one I feel smacks of the overly artsy.

A designated house cat, Morty insisted on striking this pose, a silent roar to protest his imprisonment. He's behind bars and in stripes.

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