My Recent Confessions and Observations on Twitter:
There was a chipmunk giving me the evil eye outside my bedroom window this morn. I gave him the evil stomach. This is not going to end well.
The diet word has reared its svelte head again. Diet? Diet?! ... What? And give up conglobating?
Thinking of high school. Memories never cease. I'm in my 47th year of not being able to climb that damn rope.... Can I shower & go home now?
My streak continues. Still no tip of the Hatlo hat.
Job search promising. I've got future work lined up. Banjo troubadour in the Zombie Apocalypse.
I was given a coupon for "Lip-smackin' great taste," Kit & Kaboodle Cat Food. How disgusting. I eat it with my mouth closed.
And now it's that magical time of the decade: yard work....
Saw RANCHO NOTORIOUS (1952) with Lili Von Shtupp. One simply cannot get enough of that THE LEGEND OF CHUCK-A-LUCK toe tapper. Stampede me.
Today on DOBIE GILLIS, Dobie hears those magic words that pretty much sum up our dating careers: "It's chow and Homesville."
I bought a new weedwacker. The other one I put out to pasture. Goodnight, everybody! I'll be here all week! Try the quesadillas!

Twitter Birds by SpoonGraphics
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