My California buddy, Rich, sent me a clipping from the "Pasadena Star News," detailing a new movie theatre in his area.
PASADENA - At a time of general belt-tightening, Australia-based Gold Class Cinemas is betting that movie audiences in Old Pasadena will shell out $22 to $32 apiece to enjoy what they call "the ultimate luxury cinema experience...."
Patrons can meet in the lounge or bar, [businessman Rob] Goldberg said, then eat dinner cooked by an executive chef - Kobe beef and lobster, perhaps - while watching movies from a reclining armchair in a 40-seat theater....
And no, he said, it's not like sitting in your recliner at home, eating dinner on a tray in front of the big-screen television.
"Number one, people probably don't have butlers, and a 30-foot screen ... and they probably don't have Dolby 5.1 digital sound," Goldberg said. "If you get cold, you can press a call button and they'll bring you a blanket. Seriously!"
"...It's like a movie and a spa at the same time," he said. "You can truly relax and be good to yourself."
I hate to snap a wet towel at the spa spin, but I would be avoiding this theatre with a passion.
I don't want to hear or smell people masticating while "Bolt" gets sidetracked by their doggie bag fixin's.
I also do not desire melted butter splattered onto my 3-D glasses in a lobster claw munch gone horribly wrong.
I do like the $32 admission price, as that amount gives me permission to use the ticket money to buy the Blu-ray instead. I'll watch at the house with my own damn blankie, thank you.
And the wife gets in free! Seriously!
Movies are definitely a better overall viewer experience in home high-def. It's not the size of a screen that is most important. It's the quality of the image -- and the quiet far away from strange, annoying social climbers talking with their mouths full of London Broil and Twizzlers Au Jus.
The movie should be the focus of going out to a movie. At a so-called luxury cinema, it is not. The motion picture would be a disraction. You'll be looking at your gravy puddle more than Matthew McConaughey--
Wait a minute. I just broke my argument.