100 Things About Me #115

Ocean's Three
In another beach reminiscence, from "The Durrett Family Photo Album of Golden Travel Memories, Assorted Creases, Tatters, Coffee Stains, and Oleaginous Fingerprints," big brothers Billy and Bobby and myself form the letter 'U' for the shut-ins back home.

Our 'U,' by the way, is in an uppercase serif font.

That explains the tall boys' caps with brims.

We three lads were the entire turn-out of volunteers for the very first "Hands Across America" event. The local paper dubbed us "Grasps Over Goo Goo," a thinly veiled insult at my expense.

I was a year old. I responded in the only way I knew how. I frothed up bubbles.

We submitted a requisition in triplicate to Mommy and Daddy, lobbying them in favor of adding another brother to the clan, so we four could form the letter 'O,' as in "ocean."

Steven would be born to make the magic happen. In the interim, Billy and Bobby had left the act, so Steven and I were obliged to perform side-by-side as "The Human Dittos."

Our shows were an embarrassment, being so low budget and all, but, in later life, the experience helped with my conceptualizing of how to parallel park.

On the eventful day pictured, I suggested to Billy and Bobby we don matching costumes for the trio act, but the boys said I needed to be much older to operate a shirt like their's without injury.

Then they went off and hypnotized flounders.

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