Actual Adulation Out of the Annotated Pages of My Senior Class Yearbook
John O. charms:
"This year was mucho (Spanish!!!) fun, cutting each other to shreds."
Susan, obviously in love:
"Despite your strange tendencies, you're not such a bad fellow. Maybe in a few years you'll be almost normal."
Another sunbeam:
"Durrett, it certainly has been an honor participating in the extra-curricular activities of the back corner of the room. Coach Rakestraw may have changed for the worse due to you, but I don't care. ... I also appreciate your respect for the office of Mayor and your sympathy for the problems of the office, especially concerning those rotten, gosh-awful CLOCK People.
"I thank you,
"H.R. Pufnstuf"
Tom gushes:
"You are a pretty good guy, but you wouldn't know it talking to you.
"...And I hope you will not miss me rubbing my stomach next year."
Dale R., benefactor:
"P.S. I just thought you might like a P.S."