The Postman Always Brings Invoices

Our friends sent us a snail mail!

The envelope rested on the kitchen table for the better part of the morning. It appeared harmless enough, but we couldn't understand why Scott and Cheryl were invoicing us.

Finally, I decided to open the envelope with care. While doing so, a curious sight materialized. There was no bill demanding any payment.

We discovered, however, an inserted sheet of parchment. The whiteness had been folded into three equal sections. On one side, from top to bottom, they had typed lines and lines of words, followed by handwritten signatures.

At first glance, it looked very much like an email might look printed on a page of paper. Donna suggested we may have received: a letter.

Why, I seem to recall encountering -- and touching! -- such things in the murky haze of a bygone century.

Or maybe I saw a letter mentioned in one of those black-and-white movies from ye olden times. I forget which one. There was a writing instrument involved, maybe a left hand, fingers. I remember that.

"Why are we whispering?" I asked.

"Shhh," Donna said, as she struggled to return the document to my grasp without causing breakage. "See if you can decipher."

We would learn this *letter* contained recent Scott and Cheryl news and anecdotal tales of interest to Donna and myself. What a hoot!

It only took a moment for me to figure how to work it.
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