Some thoughts during the performance:
- It's "Dreamgirls" with Dreamguys singing like Dreamgirls.
- I had forgotten The Four Seasons' falsetto harmonizing. That explains the puppies in the cheap seats.
- I'm thrilled! The music's really clearing my ear wax.
- All this pleasurable squealing brings back memories. I haven't thought of my twisted testicle since fifth grade.
I'm better now and basso profundo.
Even on my "eeks!" - Am I the only one wondering why we haven't heard much from Frankie Valli since the invention of automatic garage doors?
- Oh, to have eavesdropped a summit with Mickey Mouse, The Four Seasons, and Julia Child, dishing Pluto, Sherry Baby, and chard.
- Where are the wigs? These boys had long hair in the '70s. I want my money back. Or, at least, an autographed Prell.
- If I had a boy band gimmick, it wouldn't be warbling like girls. I hanker a quartet of pufferfish sound-alikes with slow leaks.
- While spinning Frankie records on the radio, I've been known to back-announce, "'My Eyes Adored You,' which is... a funny place for a door."