CHARLESTON, South Carolina, South Carolina Aquarium -- I'm proud of this picture. Not many photographers are capable of such a shot and the tippy toes and the eeking.
Donna: Ooo, they've got Eggs Benedict. And they even have Crabcakes Benedict.
Deborah: I don't know about eggs all over my crab.
(Painful, long silence before Deb looked at me.)
Mike: I'm saying nothing.
"Wedding Crashers" Trailer Crashers: Introduction | Article and Trailer
Donna: I need to find me a business.
Mike: I told you: Biscuits.
Donna: A biscuit shop?
Mike: Yes.
Donna: I don't know how to make biscuits.
Mike: Ask Morty.
Donna: He's a cat.
Mike: Watch him knead. He's making biscuits.
Donna: I don't think so--
Mike: All you need to know are, two things:
(dramatic pause)
Biscuits ...
Donna: And?
Mike: "Soppin's." "Soppin's" is the magic word. Throw around a bunch of "soppin's" and you're a millionaire.
Donna: You're crazy.
Mike: "Would you like some more soppin's, darlin'? Eight dollars."
Donna: *sigh*
Mike: We'll be rich, I tell ya. What can we sop?