Who needs their ol' "Caddyshack" Trivia, anyway?
I've got my own.
1. On "Caddyshack's" opening day, July 25, 1980, I was special guest projectionist at the Perimeter Mall Cinema I-II-III-IV in Atlanta. Although I had never played golf, I was deemed qualified to present the movie. I'm a Union member. We putter.
2. The first show of "Caddyshack" was 12 minutes late on the screen because the equipment required repair. I think I may have used my teeth.
3. I ran "Caddyshack" twice that afternoon and threaded the next one before being relieved at six to go to my regular job as projectionist at the Rhodes Theatre. On the way, I stopped at Zesto's for a Nut Brown Crown ice cream cone. I think I may have used my teeth.
4. Beginning July 22, 1988, I exhibited "Caddyshack II" for several weeks at the Merchants Walk 8 in Marietta, GA. I never watched, but, through the auditorium wall, I think I may have heard the gnashing of teeth. Jackie Mason starred.
As the gopher?
I'm not sure.
5. I purchased a "Caddyshack" DVD for eight dollars. I think I may have used my Tooth Fairy futures.
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