Pulling a Rabbit Out of My Quag

Whenever I'm having a bad day, week, lifetime, I detest bumbling upon a spark to brighten my outlook.

Grumpy me was at a bookstore, schleppin' and slurpin' some 'spresso. I wandered for half an hour before I found myself in the biography aisle, daydreaming more than browsing. An unfamiliar book caught my eye. I removed "Jimmy Stewart" by Marc Eliot from the shelf and opened it. The very first words I saw were these:

"Jimmy loved to work. In 1975 he was asked to do a run of 'Harvey' on the stage in London. It's about a nebbishy man who has an invisible six-foot rabbit for a friend. My producer friend Jim Wharton and I went over to see it, and Jimmy gave a magnificent performance. I'll never forget his curtain call. He came out, and took a bow, and the English audience gave him a standing ovation. Then he did something magical. He turned to the wings and said, 'Come on, Harvey, everyone wants to see you.' By his gestures, he brought Harvey to the middle of the stage and put his arm around him. Everybody in that theater would have sworn that he could actually see Harvey standing there with Jimmy. Then Jimmy stepped back and gave Harvey a solo bow, and the audience went wild."
--William Frye

I lowered the book and stood in silence for a moment.

I'll never affirm, but I may have been touched.

I walked up front and made the purchase.
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